THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hannah Brady of Tampa Independent - Episode #1

THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hannah Brady of Tampa Independent - Episode #1

Follow along with Tampa Independent's 2023 WGI season through monthly member vlogs, THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE, created by third year member Hannah Brady

Jan 13, 2023
THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hannah Brady of Tampa Independent - Episode #1

FloMarching's WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE vlog series aims to bring FloMarching fans an inside look at world-class marching ensembles. These monthly installments follow members from Tampa Independent and more, and will run through WGI World Championship Finals in Dayton, Ohio.


The Transition

Traveling to Dayton in 2022, I remember myself and other Tampa Independent Open guard members laughing as we joked about “how cool would it be if we moved up to world class next year!?” Sure enough, this September we began our world class experience. 

While honored and extraordinarily proud of this organization and its growth, the transition from open to world class has proved to be a daunting one. Discovering the confidence being a world class performer requires is not as simple as it may seem. As a team, we have already created a habit of reminding each other we earned the title of “world class,” and if we did not belong here, we would not be here. 

On the flip side, being the first Tampa Independent team to showcase in world class is extremely exciting. We are all thrilled to be putting together our show this year, and our premier at the end of January cannot come soon enough. 

Finding the Courage

In my opinion, the hardest part of being in a world class color guard is finding the courage to go to the audition. Once you are there, everything else seems easy. As long as you go with an open mindset, a willingness to learn, and a positive attitude, you are set up to be successful. 

An important reminder is that success may not always come in the shape of a contract. Going to the audition and learning something new or meeting new, incredible people in this activity can be a success in and of itself. Some of the most talented people I know, including myself, have been rejected the first time or were alternates. Do not ever let a rejection stop you from growing and trying again! 

Why We Love Color Guard

Throughout the episode, I ask several members of Tampa Independent what their favorite part of the organization is. The answers pointed overwhelmingly to the people you meet when you do this activity. From the staff, the other members, the designers, etc; the people you meet when you do color guard are what make it so special. 

Your teammates are going to be the ones who pick you up when you are having a bad day, a bad rehearsal, or just need some extra love. Your staff will be the ones to believe in you more than you may ever believe in yourself. As we begin this new year, make sure to show the people around you in this activity some extra love and gratitude because they allow us to do the activity we love the most.