THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hannah Brady of Tampa Ind. - Episode #8

THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hannah Brady of Tampa Ind. - Episode #8

For season 2 of the World Class Experience, get a peek inside different WGI Guard, Percussion, and Winds ensembles. This episode features Hannah of TI

May 5, 2023
THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hannah Brady of Tampa Ind. - Episode #8

FloMarching's WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE vlog series aims to bring FloMarching fans an inside look at world-class marching ensembles. These monthly installments follow members from Tampa Independent and more, and will run through WGI World Championship Finals in Dayton, Ohio.

THE WORLD CLASS EXPERIENCE: Hanna Brady of Tampa Independent - Episode #8


“Bad shows” 

In this episode, I talk about one of our shows that did not achieve as highly as we had hoped. When situations like this occur, it is okay to feel disappointed. However, you want to be able to pick yourself and your teammates back up. Like I said in the vlog, things happen! Our staff always frame it like this: there are HUNDREDS of counts in your show, and there were maybe 8 of them that did not go your way. That’s still an A! Be gracious with yourself and use it to get better next time.

Mental Preparation

This month, our staff put emphasis on the mental preparation that going to Dayton requires. This year, I know the team felt extra pressure to perform well due to our promotion into world class. Our staff always does such an incredible job of acknowledging and validating these feelings we have while giving us the encouragement and strength to overcome them. You always want to keep your self-talk positive and be confident in your training and abilities. Dayton is a scary but rewarding time, and the anticipation of it being right around the corner is thrilling.