2019 WGI Guard South Brunswick Regional

LIVE BLOG: WGI South Brunswick Finals Updates

LIVE BLOG: WGI South Brunswick Finals Updates

Get group-by-group updates from the 2019 WGI Guard South Brunswick Regional finals on Sunday, Feb. 24.

Feb 24, 2019
Soloist Discusses Brigadiers’ Success
Get group-by-group updates from the 2019 WGI Guard South Brunswick Regional finals on Sunday, Feb. 24.

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Get group-by-group updates from the 2019 WGI Guard South Brunswick Regional finals on Sunday, Feb. 24.

Watch the 2019 WGI South Brunswick Regional Finals LIVE on Feb. 24 @ 9 AM ET

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Good morning! Marcus J. Hopkins, here, to bring you all the happenings in Monmouth Junction, NJ, starting at 9:00 AM Eastern (8:00 AM Central/6:00 AM Pacific). The guards are already warming up, and we're getting ready to start our day. We'll see you at 9:00 AM!

And, we're off - East Pennsboro HS is taking the floor, now, with their program, "The Attic."

Note - any "?" in program titles indicates that I was unable to hear/understand that specific word.

Scholastic Regional A

East Pennsboro HS - "The Attic"

Nice creepy aesthetic being set, here, with the props and the floor that looks like hardwood floors stained with blood.

Excellent job, sabre soloist!

Nice release, sabre line.

Solid introduction of the second flag, E. Pennsboro.

Nice layering in this ensemble flag phrase.

Walt Whitman HS - "Dash"

Very nice start, sabre soloist.

Good release, there, rifle line.

Nice introduction of color with the gold flags, Walt Whitman.

Lots of opportunity in that ensemble flag feature.

Abington HS - "Sands of Time"

Excellent movement from the opening dancer. Very nice job of setting the tone.

Nicely timed entrance, flag line.

Really loving this second flag design.

The third flag is nice, as well. It really lends itself well to spinning.

Up next, we have Independent Regional A.

Independent Regional A

Winter Star - "Interstellar"

This show has an interesting mashup of Elton John's "Rocket Man" and David Bowie's "Space Oddity."

Good training in the sabre line.

These flags are gorgeous.

I love this rilfe/flag section. Great layering of the work and fun writing.

Polaris - "Legendary"

Nice opening movement segment, Polaris.

Great ensemble five, rifles.

Excellent rifle training and use of props to re-shape the stage and create effect.

Fantastic flag toss!

Very nice layering in this ensemble flag feature, and the timing is great, today.

Light Winter Guard - "Dear Me"

Gorgeous props, Light.

Nice flag/sabre stand-still moment.

Great execution on the sabre exchange.

Nice job, Light.

Up next, we have Scholastic A Class, beginning with Penncrest HS.

Scholastic A

Penncrest HS - "Waving Through a Window"

Beautiful floor, Penncrest.

This show features the song, "Waving Through a Window," from the Broadway hit, "Dear Evan Hansen"

Very musical writing in the opening sabre book.

Great use of colors to contrast with the floor design in that ensemble flag.

Hempfield HS - "A Conversation"

Fantastic movement book, Hempfield.

Very nice entrance, back flags. The writing does a great job of responding to the spoken word piece.

Good ensemble five, sabres.

Excellent toss/turn, flags!

Shelton HS - "The Story of Our Lives - No Limitations"

Fantastic ensemble release, Shelton!

I can't say enough about the excellent training exhibited by every performer in this guard. Small guards have a tough job - when one member makes a mistake, it's impossible to hide. This program has done a lot of great things in training each of their performers to the same high level of excellence and technique.

Very nice performance, Shelton!

Hunterdon Central Regional HS - "Pride, Penance, and Prayer"

Fantastic opening movement and rifle soloist.

Good rifle writing before the entrance of the red silks.

The flag writing, here, is very responsive to the spoken word syncopation. Great job!

This ensemble flag design serves as an excellent contrast against the floor. The layering of the flag was nice, as well.

Naugatuck HS - "Mother Nature's [?]"

What a very dark take on "What a Wonderful World."

Definitely a darker approach to a show about the environment.

West Orange HS - "Becoming"

Very strong rifle entrance, West Orange.

Great flag release, pink flags.

NICE layering in the ensemble flag feature.

Southern Regional HS - "ǔndyïng lōve"

When I first heard this Emergency Broadcast beginning, yesterday, I was worried that the feed had been accidentally hijacked.

The flag writing, here, really is very well done.

Southern Regional's show is about zombies. Begin a huge fan of the genre, I have high expectations for this show.

Nice body underneath that sabre toss, sabre line.

Whenever you pack your performers so tightly in a form, especially with a flag design that shows every mistake, it's difficult to clean. Good effort, S. Regional.

Haddon Heights HS - "City Visit"

This program makes great use of Jeff Beal's music from the film "Pollock."

The writing in this show makes excellent use of the music's percussive nature.

Nice introduction of color with ensemble flag at the end.

Liverpool HS - "I am Me"

I SWORE, yesterday, that this floor read "ham." I was excited to see how they worked "ham" into the show.

Very solid technique training in the rifle line.

Nice job of helping your fellow rifle performer recover.

That has the potential to be a really strong ensemble flag statement, Liverpool. Keep up the good work.

Monroe Township HS - "How the Other Half Lives"

Very nice sabre writing.

Great ensemble rifle toss in front of the clothes lines.

Lots of opportunity in that ensemble flag statement. By the end of the season, it will be phenomenal.

Unionville HS - "The [?] Tomorrow"

Very nice opening movement segment, Unionville.

Nice silk trick around the body.

Excellent ensemble 45º toss from the white flags.

West Milford HS - "Rascally Weeds"

This floor design offers a lot of unique staging and performance opportunities from what is a very fun show.

I love these flag designs. And WHAT a flag exchange!

That ending statement is going to be really strong by the end of the season.

Billerica Memorial HS - "The Crown"

The cobblestone paths printed on the floor create interesting staging opportunities.

This up-tempo section is very well represented in the writing.

This ending flag is very complementary in terms of color theory to their uniforms.

Central Square HS - "One, Two, Three Four Five"

I love these uniforms. Very cool look.

Fantastic use of rhythm and instrumentation in the visual representation, both in writing and movement.

Oh, yeah - flag line. You're killin' it, today!

Gorgeous ensemble flag section around the stair props.

What a great show. Just filled with great ideas and execution.

Independent A

Towson University Winter Guard - "I Am...[?] in an Ever-Changing World"

Love those red flags, Towson.

Great ensemble release, flags.

Gates Chili Independent Winter Guard - "Be the Light"

Amazing performance, sabre soloist at the beginning!

Nice use of directional opposition to create effect in the white flag section.

Lots of energy in that ensemble flag statement; by the end of the season, that'll be really powerful.

AMP A - "Pocket Full of Dream"

Very nice use of costuming, staging, and props to accent the music.

Fantastic equipment training throughout the guard.

So much musicality in all the equipment writing.

We will return at 1:05 PM Eastern with Norwalk HS in Scholastic Open Class.

And, we're back, with Scholastic Open Class and Norwalk HS.

Scholastic Open

Norwalk HS - "Confined"

Nice use of the props to create staging opportunities.

Lots of great moments throughout the program that will be sure to come together as the season progresses.

Cumberland Valley HS - "All That We Share"

Incredible add-on phrase, flags.

This is Cumberland Valley's first year in Scholastic Open after making Finals in SA Class at WGI Championships for three consecutive years. A very good inaugural show.

The flag writing in this show is phenomenal, with lots of excellent body underneath the equipment work. The layering in the red flag statement was great despite some timing issues, which will iron themselves out by April.

Phoenix HS - "Help Me!"

That was a really neat concept of expanding the box with the props. Note - Yes - the music was supposed to cut out at the beginning. It's in the track

Very expressive and musical sabre writing.

One of the dangers of performing in dresses/skirts/capes/anything flowing is running the risk of getting equipment caught in the skirt when doing work where the equipment passes close to the body. I always have my performers rehearse in them to get used to picking pathways to move the equipment to prevent that from happening.

Great show, Phoenix!

South Brunswick HS - "Spin Cycle"

This show reminds me SO MUCH of my childhood in the 80s. So much Neon; so much Dead or Alive music. I LOVE it!

There's nothing I love more than an early-90s dance break.

So much energy in this flag writing, and the performers are really selling it. Very nice entrance of the green flags.

Interesting idea with the bicycle bells. Definitely some work needed to clean that section up, but it'll be really cool when it's there.

Very cool use of the stationary bikes as a platform for performers to spin.

Excellent timing on the first flag release in the ensemble pink flag section.

There's definitely a lot to work with; so many fun and neat concepts in place, and a clear mastery of equipment. I look forward to seeing how the show develops over the season.

Independent Open

Light Brigade Open - "I am a Pharaoh"

I definitely love this set design and the props. Excellent job at establishing a mood.

Get it sabre line! And that FLAG entrance!

Nice use of the red columns to shape and reshape the stage.

That was a fun dance break, Light Brigade. Thank you!

That ending flag feature has the potential to be fantastic!

Delazure - "As if..."

I'm loving these uniforms and the set design.

Fantastic turn under that toss, rifles.

There's a lot of great use of color theory and neon color vibration in this show.

I love the music.

Les Eclipses - "[?]"

Note - Having a bit of trouble hearing the music, so looking at the visual)

Excellent writing in that flag book.

Very cool rifle phrase.

Definitely enjoy the introduction of the purple flag.

That was one kickin' flag feature, Les Eclipses!

Note - The feedback buzz on the stream was, apparently, live in the gym, as well.

Sacred Heart University Winter Guard - "Strings and Glass"

Very cool effect with the mirrors.

So much good training in these equipment lines.

I love this flag design and the writing.

So many cool staging effects in this show.

Q - "[?]

Gorgeous flags, Q.

So many great things going on in this show. I had to take a moment just to take it all in.

The flag designs in that program are just gorgeous from front to back.

Main Line Independent - "The Dressmaker"

Interesting use of dress patterns as the floor design.

I love the movement book, in this show.

That's some CUTE sabre writing, Main Line!

Nice use of the skirt hoops to create a cool costuming and visual effect.

This shock of red with the flags is fantastic, as was that roll underneath the flag toss.

Interesting musical tag of "Pure Imagination" at the end of the track.

We're on a 20-minute break, and Scholastic World will commence at 2:50 PM Eastern. Thank you for bearing with us while we fixed the audio issues.

And, we're back with World Class Finals from the 2019 South Brunswick Color Guard Regional.

Note - If someone would like to drive a Lincoln, there are keys with the announcer. Enjoy your new car!

Scholastic World

Somerville HS - "Remember Me"

This movement book is really nicely done.

There are some really nice flag moments, so far.

That ensemble flag phrase was gorgeous, Somerville!

Independent World

Light Brigade World - "Downtown"

I'm loving these props.

These rifles are fantastic!

That was a fun show, Light Brigade.

Black Watch - "Signs from Beyond"

I love Shaker Loops. One of my favorite Jon Anderson and Opio Singers pieces.

Very cool effect with the green streamer flags.

Shaker Loops is a fun track - St. Ann's did it in 1996, and it's one of my favorite shows.

Fantastic job, Black Watch! Lots of great things on that floor!

Alter Ego - "Hanging by a Thread"

Very cool setup, Alter Ego.

So much good equipment writing, all at once, that it's hard to follow.

The flags, thus far, have been amazing.

That shock of orange is just a great moment, and once it's clean, it'll be beautiful.

First Flight - "Polar"

Interesting setup, First Flight.

These two-sided uniforms offer a lot of great opportunities for visual effects.

This flag/rifle feature is HOT!

The Brigadiers - "Gaining Perspective"

Very nice moment sabres.

Every time I see one of those glowing LED balls, I'm reminded of the classic 1980s film, "Solarbabies." It's a great film; I highly recommend it.

This is an interesting musical transition. I enjoy the new floor.

Another floor change - this one is nice.

Beautiful layering in that ensemble flag feature and a very well-executed roll beneath that flag toss.

Fusion Winter Guard - "Jacob's Ladder"

Very skilled movers, Fusion.

Love these silks, and such nice writing on them.

Great flag exchange around the shape, Fusion.

This flag writing is doing an excellent job of picking up all the musical cues. Well done!

Get it, ensemble flag feature!

Such lyrical rifle writing.

AMP Winter Guard (World) - "Immortalis Maledictum"

Talk about a departure from the prior year...

Using music from the "Interview with a Vampire," a film I saw seven times in the movie theater when I was in 7th Grade.

And now, music from "The Omen."

The weapon writing in this book is INSANELY fun to watch. And now, there's a cape feature.

LED-lit rifles are a very cool effect

Flags - WHAT was that?! SO MUCH good writing and execution!

Okay...the light effect through the window is just freakin' NEAT!

That's all from me, here at FloMarching, for today.

For guard, the next events we'll be streaming are the Mid-Atlantic, East, and Southwest Power Regionals on March 16th-17th.