2019 DCI Drum Corps at the Rose Bowl

Instant Recap: 2019 Drum Corps At The Rose Bowl

Instant Recap: 2019 Drum Corps At The Rose Bowl

Live Blog: Drum Corps At The Rose Bowl

Jun 29, 2019 by Kevin Gamin
Instant Recap: 2019 Drum Corps At The Rose Bowl
Good evening and welcome to tonight’s live blog of the 2019 Drum Corps at the Rose Bowl competition! My name is Kevin Gamin, Managing News Editor of Drum Corps Planet, and I will be giving you live commentary as we witness fifteen Drum Corps International Open and World Class corps. The show will start soon so be sure you join us for all of the action tonight!

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Good evening and welcome to tonight’s live blog of the 2019 Drum Corps at the Rose Bowl competition! My name is Kevin Gamin, Managing News Editor of Drum Corps Planet, and I will be giving you live commentary as we witness fifteen Drum Corps International Open and World Class corps. The show will start soon so be sure you join us for all of the action tonight!

7:45 PM EDT - The stream is live! The voice you hear announcing the show is Ryan H. Turner, THE VOICE of Southern California.

Our first performing corps of the night is Vessel from Long Beach, California. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: "Here, There, Everywhere"


  • "Super 8" by Michael Giacchino
  • "Phoenix (from War of the Worlds)" by Peter Graham
  • "Rewrite the Stars (from The Greatest Showman)" by Benj Pasek, Justin Paul
  • "The Lost Labyrinth" by Kevin Houben

Vessel does a great job with field coverage for their opening setup. There are four stages/ramps, two on either side of the front ensemble and on the field. The corps proper is set up on and behind the stages, all the way to the back hash on the 50.

The guard uniforms are brilliant yellow body suits with blue arrow designs on them. They really pop on the field, especially when the guard is in tight formation.

The brass and percussion start the show facing backfield for that great sound reflection off the back stands, then turn front to hit the crowd with the first statement of the show.

The stages are on wheels and are moved on the field to change visual focus. 

Lovely tone from a baritone soloist!

The percussion has a quick feature up front, setting up so the drum judge, who, if you recall, can only move 2 yards onto the field now, gets the entire experience.

A quick performance from Vessel tonight as they only have the first full movement of the show on the field, but a great start to the season for the corps with their second show tonight.

Next on the field is Incognito from Garden Grove, CA. They have not announced their 2019 program as of yet, though our announcer may have information we don’t have as of yet.

Ahh, show name is “The Muse”.

Speaking of field coverage, Incognito is about half the size of Vessel, but starts out much more spread out and exposed. The guard is active pretty much from the moment they step onto the field.

It’s been all pit for this opening so far. A mellophone soloist brings the brass into the musical mix, joined by the drum line.

The guard is really catching my eye. They’re very dynamic and staged around the horns and percussion on the field. 

Second movement of the show also opens the second movement of the show. Middle horns start off before the rest of the horns come in. Marching percussion is not utilized in this section of the show yet, kneeling on the front sideline.

Guard uniform change during the second movement, adding much more color to the production. Marching percussion has come back on the field.

As with Vessel, Incognito’s show is not completely on the field, with only the two movements we experienced tonight.

Next on the field is Impulse from Buena Park, CA. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: The Greatest Hero


  • "Incredits 2" by Michael Giacchino
  • "Spider-Man: Homecoming Suite" by Michael Giacchino

Description: "We invite the audience into a world where the lives of heroes continue to be fast paced and full of energy. We see these heroes take shape and develop in ways we are all so familiar with, but also in ways we wouldn’t expect. We explore the idea that despite the strength and vitality we see from our beloved heroes, their surroundings and circumstances could be taking a toll on their well being. Being the symbol of peace is no easy task and from beginning to end we share with everyone the story of how our hero became the greatest hero!"

I am incredibly disappointed that the show is not the Greatest AMERICAN Hero and Believe It Or Not is not part of the rep, but we can’t have everything.

LOVE the new Impulse uniforms. Still very Impulse in design, but a very updated look that fits the show theme perfectly. I wish they were coming east this year so I could see them live, but, again, we can’t have everything.

Guard members are in uniforms of solid colors (yellow, blue, red). The red and blue members are actually featured guard members, it appears.

Michael Giacchino’s music is great on the football field, and music from The Incredibles movies is almost required for a super hero themed show.

The drum line is full sized, including a full cymbal line. They are featured prominently throughout the show so far, including a flashy snare feature we’re currently experiencing.

The all white drums really stands out on the mostly black uniforms.

Siren sound effect from the front ensemble leads into the corps performing the music from Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Next on the field is Watchmen from Riverside, CA. Here are the details of their 2019 program:

Show Title: Gods of the Nile


  • Original music by Paul Rendon, Brandon Johnson, Marcel Barragán

Description: "Entering in their sixth year of existence, the Watchmen Drum and Bugle Corps is stronger than ever.  Starting as a brass ensemble in 2013, Watchmen has grown into a full size open class corps and will be touring this year in California, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado.  This year’s production is entitled “Gods of the Nile”, take a journey with them down the Nile . The original composition by the talented Paul Rendon, Brandon Johnson and Marcel Barragán will provide the background for a musical and visual journey as the corps explores the mythological tapestry of ancient Egypt and it’s most famous natural resource, the majestic Nile River.  Known as the “bringer of life”, much of Egyptian mythology and religion focuses in and around the Nile. From birth to death, from peace to war, and love to anger, the Gods of the Nile provided ancient Egyptians with guidance and direction through life. Music and visual design will bring to life these gods and the time of Ancient Egypt."

The horns and drum line start the show lying on the field.

There are only six guard members, but they open the performance with bright blue fabrics that match one of the colors on the corps proper uniforms.

Nice accelerando by the pit to close out the opening statement.

This is original music, but it currently has a similar feel to soundtracks like The Mummy.

Second movement, drum line kneels in the back field. Horns up front for the ballad, along with a trumpet soloist.

Guard on brilliant yellow and blue swing flags, really filling up the field.

Drum line joins back in for the climax of the ballad. Tempo kicks up and the music get more ominous.

Next on the field is Golden Empire from Bakersfield, CA. Their show name is “Icarus”. No other show information is available at this time.

Golden Empire has a set of props that are like ladder towers. They’re currently lying on their sides in a circular formation around the corps, but I’m sure, considering the show theme, we’ll see them upright with members climbing them at some point.

Ahh, one of the props is in the center of the horns and drums on the field and is upright. The corps as a whole is lying on the field in a tight pod around that prop.

And, there we are. Baritone soloist is up on that center prop.

Full drum line in the back of the field while the horns start within the circle of props. Full sound for their size and they look good early on.

Strong percussion feature leads into Stravinsky’s Firebird. 

I like the uniforms for this year’s production. There are fabric elements that give the impression of wings. They flow as the members move on the field.

Next movement is Eric Whitacre’s Fly to Paradise. So far, both selections we’ve heard fit the theme.

Very strong brass moment for the climax. Big percussion feature afterwards and then we’re done for this performance. Unfortunately, since most these groups aren’t leaving California, FloMarching viewers like us may not see the final products.

Our final Open Class corps of the evening is Gold from San Diego, CA. Their 2019 program is entitled “The Pursuit Of Happiness”. No other show information is available at this time.

Gold is by far the closest to maximum size of all the Open Class corps we’ve seen tonight. Their 3rd place finish at last year’s DCI Open Class Championships had to have helped with recruitment. With BDB and Vanguard Cadets staying in California this season, Gold is a front runner to win the Open Class title in Marion, Indiana, this August.

Immediate visual contrast between the dark suit wearing guard members and the brilliant white of the corps.

Nice job by the guard spinning flags with one hand while carrying briefcases in the other.

The full size of the horn line comes through in the sound. Add to that the level of preparedness the corps is at for early season and this is by far the largest sound of the night for Open Class.

Big park and bark section during the ending of the opener! Sounds like the crowd is into this show as well.

Second movement opens with a low brass ensemble in a heart formation on the front of the field. This movement is more introspective than the first, which was bold and brassy.

Another full sound from the corps to finish the second movement. I WILL see this corps in August, and I’m already looking forward to it.

Third movement is a take on the song Money. Guard has large diamond props, tubas lay down the classic bass line from the song, and the entire horn line busts some moves as the drum line does their thing. Crowd again goes wild.

We have a closer on the field, and it features each section of the horns at a time before they join together. 

Trumpet quartet blows some faces off before we go into the big finish of the show.

We are back! Our first corps in World Class tonight is Genesis from Austin, TX. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: From The Ground Up

Music Repertoire:

  • Original music by Key Poulan, Dave Marvin, Dan Bryan and Shawn Glyde
  • "The Sound of War" by Suzanne Sundfor

There are 19 triangle shaped props spread out across the field. I don’t know what they’re signifying yet.

Pit is on the right side of the field, set at an angle.

A large portion of the opening statement is actually before the corps is announced and serves as a pre-show.

The opener is very tense. The props, which had shown trees and forest, now show city scape images. We’re apparently building “from the ground up”, if you will.

Nice bass line happening in the opener.

Second movement features an acoustic guitar in the pit (amplified, of course), a trombone quintet with what I can only assume is a “soprano trombone”, and a vocalist, either live or recorded.

Great moment in the ballad where the brass sets up in tiers on the props, forming a literal wall of sound for a great musical moment.

Brass quartet finishes the ballad. Percussion come up past the front sideline for a feature.

Not surprising, but a big step up from Open Class.

Next on the field is the Troopers from Casper, WY. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: Beyond Boundaries

Music Repertoire:

  • "Divertimento for Band Op. 2" by Vincent Persichetti
  • "Enterprising Young Men" by Michael Giacchino
  • "Wondrous Light" by John Estacio
  • "To the Stars"
  • "Chorale VI/Cantus - Song of Aeolus" by Karl Jenkins
  • "Main Title (from The Orville)" by Bruce Broughton
  • "Krill Attack/Shuttle Escape (from The Orville)" by Bruce Broughton

Pit opens the pre-show, followed by a lovely trumpet soloist!

Big sound from the horns as the show starts!

It did take me a minute to remember Troopers have taken the Beyond Boundaries theme full stop. I do wish they had added some yellow to the corps uniform. It would really help the corps stand out more on the field.

Second movement has a great baritone soloist with full mellophone line accompaniment.

After a brass double tonguing statement in this ballad, the horns turn backfield, giving the pit a chance to shine. They then turn front for the climax of this movement.

A brief quote from Enterprising Young Men in the pit before the brass comes in on the 3rd movement of the show. Percussion have a feature before we move into the Karl Jenkins piece.

Great flags at the end of the show! Can’t complain about the horns and percussion coming right to the front of the field and bathing us in sound.

Next on the field is The Academy from Tempe, AZ. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: "The Bridge Between"

Music Repertoire:

  • "Dance No. 1, First Movement" by Oliver Davis
  • "Equilibrium" by Paul Lovatt Cooper
  • "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Paul Simon
  • "Horizons" by Paul Lovatt Cooper
  • Original music by Steven Vento

There are various bridge props on the field which the corps moves around right from the start. Currently, they are set up on the fifty with the corps on them. Drum line featured to start on the right side of the field.

I REALLY like the uniform. The white tails with the orange on the inside really stands out, as does the white in general with the orange bridge props.

Baritones switch to trombones and just rip face all the way back field on side two. 

Great evil quote of London Bridge!

Flugelhorn soloist introduces Bridge Over Troubled Water. Great tone.

Baritones now on side one in an arc behind the pit on the next verse of the song. Lush sound from them.

Nice descending line from the tubas!

Horns come up front for the big climax. It’s fun that two different corps are playing this song with two different themes and interpretations.

OK, a little bit of a rant here - If you use trombones primarily for glissandos/smears, you make the instrument gimmicky and hard to take seriously. Academy used them greatly in the opening movement, but the closer was almost all smears.

Reprise of Bridge Over Troubled Water, with some high step action for added effect. This is definitely a finalist level show, but there’s at least 14 of those this season, so it’s a goat rodeo for Finals this season.

Next on the field is the Mandarins from Sacramento, CA. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: subTerra

  • Music Repertoire:
    • "On the Shoulders of Giants" by Peter Graham
    • "Run Boy Run" by Ambroise Willauma and Yoann Lemoine
    • Original Composition by Key Poulan and Ike Jackson
  • Description: "The production begins with the tribal leader on top of a wagon and a red pole center stage used as a “spiritual ceremonial gathering” celebration of our new arrival. In accompaniment of hand drumming, a tribal ritual dance commences in the center of the field signifying our arrival into our new city. An outsider, or intruder, interrupts our celebratory ritual. No longer safe and no longer hidden to civilization, our tribe must take action and do anything to survive."

I love the percussion on hand drums! I don’t know what they’re called, but they’re very tribal in nature and really fit the theme.

I also love how Mandarins have a style that they have embraced wholeheartedly over the past three seasons. The look, the musical choices, and the arrangements are very dark and moody and I am here for it.

On the Shoulders of Giants was first used by Cavaliers in 2015, and now two World Class Finalist corps are playing the snot out of it: Boston and Mandarins.

The guard look is totally fierce.

Second movement I don’t recognize, but it has a lot of elements I’m familiar with. Very Elfman in its feel and Mandarins play it full out.

Third movement opens with a tribal percussion feature in our faces. Ripple rifle toss behind them on a stage is visually stunning.

Mandarins have come to play. Not that last year was a fluke, but this is next level Mandarins this season.

Next on the field is Pacific Crest from Diamond Bar, CA. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: Everglow

  • Music Repertoire:
    • Original music by Bradley Kerr Green, Jonathan Zuniga, and Ezekial Lanser
    • "Ready Player One" by Alan Silvestri
    • "Meta" by Bradley Kerr Green, Jonathan Zuniga, and Ezekial Lanser
    • "View From Olympus" by John Psathas
    • "Chinatown" by Jerry Goldsmith
    • "Insight--Haywyre" by Martin Sebastian Vogt
    • "Edward Scissorhands" by Danny Elfman

Guard is in all white. That along with the white triangle props make for a stark contrast with the mostly black corps uniforms.

Another corps which starts with the horns doing body movement. That changes quickly as the corps goes in your face for most of the intro.

The in your face continues into the first full movement of the show. Pacific Crest is feeling that home field advantage tonight.

Gorgeous blue silks in the guard, really stands out against their white uniforms.

Eight member cymbal line! That’s a lot of flash and crash and I love it!

Mellophone soloist to start the second movement, heavily reverbed  for great effect.

Trumpets with a huge feature as the tempo kicks back up. Huge sound from the corps as they come back in and blow us away for the rest of the movement.

Bluesy trumpet soloist for the love theme from Chinatown. I thought I recognized this as Spirit of Atlanta used it for their ballad in 2011.

Trombone quartet with tuba accompaniment opens the next movement. Still have that jazzy feel to the show. This has a very Pacific Crest feel for me. 

Intense percussion feature front and center on the 50 before we move into the Edward Scissorhands section of the show. Excellent jazz running from the brass as they move into the final form of the show.

Next on the field is the Blue Knights from Denver, CO. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: ...I Remember Everything

  • Music Repertoire:
    • "Sudden Throw" by Olafur Arnalds
    • "Liquid" by Jay Bocook, Kevin Shah, Mike Jackson
    • "Hurt" by Trent Reznor
    • "Lonely World" by Moses Sumney
  • Description: "We are a sum of our memories. Some we accept, celebrate, and cherish. Others we may want to put behind us. Some make us proud. Others give us pause. Some are just glimpses, faded images filed away from a distant time. Others so vivid and powerful that we carry them with us every minute of every day. This can be said of us as individuals, as a community, as an activity. The stories we tell, the dreams we have, and art we create all point to our never-ending desire to live moments worthy of our short time here. We find comfort knowing that we can create memories for ourselves and those we love through a relentless pursuit of a shared vision. No matter how small or insignificant we all may feel, we can all know that we played a role in creating a sliver of essence within each other. Ultimately, this show is a collection of the shards and pieces of memories, inspirations, ideas, reflections, and visions of the people who design, create, teach, serve, and perform at the Blue Knights."

Blue Knights have so much sparkle, their sequins have sequins!

Another corps where the horn line leaves their horns on the field so they can start the show with body movement. That’s become a norm now, it seems.

Mellophone, baritone, and tuba soloists start the show with the pit. Very ethereal, which is to say very Blue Knights. I love it.

Very tasty buzz roll in the snare line.

Liquid, a Jay Bocook composition first used by Cadets in their 2005 championship show, makes its return to the field with the Blue Knights this season.

I have to say, I love Mike Jackson’s percussion arrangements. They’re unlike anything else on the drum corps field and that’s been the case for the past 5 seasons.

Mellophone pitch bend in Hurt is evil. They have to clean it up considering how tough it is, but it’s going to be a great musical effect once they get to that point.

This is a completely different interpretation of Hurt from what Spirit of Atlanta did last season. That’s what I love about this activity. It’s the same song, but each group takes it and shapes that song to their will and vision.

Blue Knights still need to put their closer on the field. I need to see and hear how they follow up Hurt in this show.

Next on the field is the Cavaliers from Rosemont, IL. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: The Wrong Side Of The Tracks

  • Music Repertoire:
    • "Gorgon" by Christopher Rouse
    • "Bum's Rush" by Donald Grantham
    • "Rock Island, 1931" by Thomas Newman
    • "Party in Steerage" by Mike McIntosh & Cliff Walker
    • "Cathedral" by Thomas Newman

Finally, a show that comes right out with the brass right from the start!

You may recognize Gorgon from Blue Knights’ 2016 show, where it was also their opener.

There’s a large train trestle prop which features trombones on the top level and the rest of the horns below them. Another wall of sound.

I LOVE this 19th century look of the Cavies uniforms this season. The colors are also very mesmerizing. Cavies have embraced the new uniform trend and have done it well.

Cavaliers horn line have fully embraced Kevin LeBouf’s teachings and it shows. This horn line could be Top 3 this season. 

General rule - You can play long chords loudly as long as they’re on the front sideline and the crowd will love you for it. They’re not wrong.

There’s something missing from this show. The closer still needs to happen, of course, but my point is that there’s still something in the story telling that I need.

Next on the field is the Blue Devils from Concord, CA. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: Ghostlight

  • Music Repertoire:
    • "Cycle Song" by Imogen Heap
    • "Rhythm Song" by Paul Smadbeck
    • "A True Passion" by Lorne Balfe
    • "Stroke of Genius" by Lorne Balfe
    • "Symphony No. 3" by Aram Khachaturian
    • "Ghostlight" by Dave Glyde
    • "Circus" by Britney Spears
    • Description: "Some people maintain that the function of the lone stage light is to chase away mischievous spirits; others insist it illuminates the space for the spirits that are said to inhabit virtually every theatre, keeping them happy and contented. Without a doubt, the paranormal dance of the empty theatre is mysterious, magical and rich in folklore... Ghostlight shines a light on 154 extraordinary performers as the Blue Devils travel the United States for a summer of music, motion and imagination. With a rich history of excellence and innovation, Drum Corps International’s most honored drum corps celebrates one hundred yards of discovery. On a stage where anything is possible, Ghostlight reveals the traveling performance troupe of contemporary drum and bugle corps we all treasure."

There is an electric violin in this show and I can’t wait to hear how they’re utilized.

Horn line comes spilling out out from the back field props and it’s a very effective visual moment. The yellow on the uniforms is also very stunning.

Horn line is killing it out of the gate. Trumpets are already August clean. That’s just not fair.

Very cool guard effect tossing flags over the backfield props.

Violinist is playing on a Yamaha electric violin in the pit.

Our first of two sousaphonists tonight. Yes, I just wrote that sentence for a drum corps show.

Blue Devils horn line gotta Blue Devil. 


Horn line is RUNNING while playing full out in the closer. Crowd is giving it up for BD after that performance.

Our final World Class corps of the night is the Santa Clara Vanguard from Santa Clara, CA. Here is their 2019 program information:

Show Title: Vox Eversio

  • Music Repertoire:
    • "Fraternity" by Thierry Deleruyelle
    • "Audivi Media Nocte" by Oliver Waespi
    • "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica
    • Original music by Sandi & Paul Rennick
    • Description: "'Vox Eversio invites the audience into a world in which the courageous choice of nonconformity is not only accepted, but celebrated,' said Michael Gaines, VMAPA Creative Director and SCV Visual Designer. 'The choice to bring this show to life was made easier with the knowledge that this skilled cast of performers would be able to perform it with an authenticity that must be experienced to be believed.'"

Percussion gets to start this show in a big way, then the horns remind us why they won high brass last season. Really this show picked up right where 2018 left off.

This show is about non-conformity, which is why the uniforms stand out the way they do. The guard really shines in their yellow.

And here’s our second of two sousaphone features tonight.


Really, nobody should be this clean in June. 

I knew SCV was playing Metallica, but this arrangement of Nothing Else Matters is straight up amazing. And that soloist who hits notes which dogs and cats despises is back, and that makes me very happy.

OK, I know it’s June, but nothing is touching this show. It is just too good.

Now, let’s talk again in August.

”I bet you’d like to know what the decision of the judges is. SO WOULD I! We’re still waiting!”

Well played, Ryan. Well played, indeed.


Open Class

6. 40.850 - Incognito
5. 43.600 - Impulse
4. 46.950 - Watchmen
3. 49.750 - Vessel
2. 52.650 - Golden Empire
1. 55.700 - Gold

World Class

9. 58.150 - Genesis
8. 61.850 - Pacific Crest
7. 63.250 - Troopers
6. 67.200 - Academy
5. 71.850 - Mandarins
4. 72.900 - Blue Knights
3. 75.850 - Cavaliers
2. 78.150 - Blue Devils
1. 78.550 - Santa Clara Vanguard