2019 Southeastern ChampionshipJul 22, 2019 by Andy Schamma
Watch Guide: DCI Heads To Atlanta For A Long Day In The Dome
Watch Guide: DCI Heads To Atlanta For A Long Day In The Dome
Two incredible live shows are coming to your screens on FloMarching this weekend—the DCI Southeastern Championship and NightBEAT.

Two incredible live shows are coming to your screens on FloMarching this weekend—the DCI Southeastern Championship and NightBEAT. Get one more chance at seeing all of the World Class corps performing on the same day, at the same venue. Both days this weekend you can catch nearly all of the corps slated to make the 2019 DCI World Championship finals, plus a number of corps that we'll only get the chance to see once like Atlanta CV and Carolina Gold in Atlanta.
Watch the 2019 DCI Summer Tour LIVE on FloMarching!
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