2022 Bluecoats Spring Training Visit

2022 Pre-Season Corps Focus: The Bluecoats

2022 Pre-Season Corps Focus: The Bluecoats

For the past two DCI seasons, audiences have loved back-to-back Beatles shows from the Bluecoats. This season though? They're leaning into a different vibe.

Jun 22, 2022
2022 Pre-Season Corps Focus: The Bluecoats

For the past two DCI seasons, audiences have loved back-to-back Beatles shows from the Bluecoats. This season though? They're leaning into a different vibe.

Earlier in June, team FloMarching trekked out to Marion, Indiana to meet this year's staff and membership, learn about this year's show, and chat with the designers and leadership of the corps. We're excited to share these behind-the-scenes clips and interviews with drum corps fans within the next few weeks (though you may want to keep an eye on FloMarching on June 27th/28th... just saying).

What We Know About Bloo 2022

The shot version of this answer: nothing. Bluecoats haven't publicly released any information about their program for this season, so audiences are still waiting to learn the show title, repertoire, and show information. If we want to base assumptions on what Bluecoats have done in the past, it may be likely that they'll release their show information either the week of their first show (which is the DCI Tour Premiere on June 28th) or even the day of, like we saw in the 2019 season.

What We Can Tell You About Bloo 2022

After two seasons of diving into the backlog of The Beatles with 'The Bluecoats' and 'Lucy,' fans can expect a different vibe this season. While we can't divulge any information that we learned on our trip, what we can say is that this show is going to be incredibly fun for audiences to experience. There are a few stand-out moments that we saw throughout spring training, and we couldn't be more excited to see how fans will react to them. All we can say is that between the music and the immersive nature that the designers were able to create, fans are going to be in for a treat this summer. Oh, and have we mentioned that they sound unreal for this early on in the season? 

Check out these clips we captured from early June with the Bluecoats:

First Look: Brass Tuning Sequence


First Look: Thumbs Cord Sequence


Bluecoats History Night


Bloo Tour Schedule

You can catch a live performance from the Bluecoats in many locations across the Midwest and South, as well as on the East Coast. You can also head to your local movie theater and see them perform on the big screen at the DCI Tour Premiere on June 28th and at Big, Loud, and LIVE for DCI World Championships Prelims on August 11th.