2022 DCI Broken Arrow presented by Oklahoma Baptist Univ. Athletic Bands

LIVE BLOG: DCI Broken Arrow

LIVE BLOG: DCI Broken Arrow

Follow along as Natalie commentates on the DCI Broken Arrow show! Stream the show LIVE on FloMarching on July 19th at 8:35pm CT

Jul 19, 2022
LIVE BLOG: DCI Broken Arrow

Follow along as Natalie commentates on the DCI Broken Arrow show! Stream the show LIVE on FloMarching on July 19th at 8:35pm CT

Everything You Need To Know About DCI 2022

2022 Streaming Schedule   |   DCI 2022 At A Glance   |   2022 Production Improvements

We're less than 12 hours away from the DCI Broken Arrow show, so here's everything you need to know ahead of the start of the show (and the live blog experience): The show kicks off on July 19th at 8:35pm CT, and you can stream it LIVE on FloMarching here. Be sure to refresh this page once every few minutes for up-to-the-moment updates from the field.

July 19 - 8:30am ET

Before we get this evening, here's some information about the 2022 DCI season that you may want to know ahead of this week's busy schedule.

  • Rebroadcasts: EVERY show stream this season will have a rebroadcast with sound the following day! So whether you're watching in real-time or the day after, Flo's got you covered. Rebroadcasts will start at 12pm ET/11pm CT the day after the original stream day for all shows, aside from the San Antonio, Atlanta, Allentown, and World Championships streams which will begin at 10am ET/9am CT to accommodate the long list of participants. Check out the infographic below for all the relevant info about rebroadcasts for the season.
  • We're in the process of securing more music rights than ever, which means that our audience can look forward to more archives with sound than ever before!
  • You'll want to check out our streaming schedule here, so you know what's streaming throughout the season, and when you can tune in on FloMarching.
  • Peruse our production improvements for the season here, and get excited for overall higher quality streams all season long.

That's all for now! Be sure to keep checking FloMarching for the most up-to-date news, photo galleries, and behind-the-scenes videos all leading up to the start of DCI Broken Arrow!

9:30am ET

Just in case you need a refresher of who's going to be at the show tonight, here's the official lineup for the showdown in Broken Arrow. Please keep in mind that all times are CT and subject to change:

8:35pm - Welcome & National Anthem

8:45pm - Zephyrus Drum & Bugle Corps

8:57pm - Blue Knights

9:14pm - Blue Stars

9:31pm - Carolina Crown

9:48pm - Boston Crusaders

10:05pm - The Cavaliers

10:22pm - Santa Clara Vanguard

10:39pm - Blue Devils

10:56pm - Bluecoats

11:20 - Scores Announced

11:00am ET

We're going to be doing a Fan Favorite poll for tonight's show, so be sure to get your votes in during the show! The poll will go live at approximately 8pm CT - keep an eye out for it on the FloMarching website! Results will be shared tomorrow morning, so check back in to see who was crowned DCI Broken Arrow Fan Favorite.

6:30pm ET

Want a proper prep ahead of tonight's show? Check out this article where we give you a competitive preview of DCI Broken Arrow that includes going over the competitors, caption leaders, moments to watch for in each show, and more!

8:50pm ET

We have just over half an hour until it's go-time in Broken Arrow! As a reminder, tonight's show begins at 8:35pm CT / 9:35pm ET and you can stream it LIVE on FloMarching through this link.  

9:35pm ET / 8:35pm CT - Welcome & National Anthem

Here we go, folks! The evening's festivities kick off with a trombone duet playing the national anthem and they sound great. Good job, folks!

9:45pm ET / 8:45pm CT - Zephyrus Drum & Bugle Corps

Show title: The Perfect Storm

  • DCI Broken Arrow's first performance of the evening comes from the Oklahoma-based SoundSport group Zephyrus Drum & Bugle Corps!
  • This group is small but mighty. That first impact was high-energy, and I loved how the drill really showed off the guard.
  • I really enjoyed the back-and-forth hand-off between the high brass and the low brass feature at the end of the first movement. Very fun.
  • After a tempo change with the ballad, we pick back up the pace with a really jazzy trumpet solo that sounded great
  • Is... is this a GARTH BROOKS ARRANGEMENT? Let's gooooooo! What a fun show! Thank you, Zephyrus!

9:57pm ET / 8:57pm CT - Blue Knights

Show title: Vibe

  • I haven't seen the BK show too many times this season, so I'm excited to see/hear what kind of changes they've made over the last few weeks!
  • This opening sequence is so fun. I really love all the layers we get from the hornline members through their body/dance work. And those white uniforms on the field make everything look SO nice.
  • Okay, battery! Way to show off there and make it sound good.
  • One thing I really love about this show is how those circle props are utilized in different ways throughout the show, creating small stages for performers to stand on and do drill on and around. We love when props get utilized in differing ways throughout a show!
  • I absolutely adore this portion of the show where they play this jazzy rendition of "Don't Worry, Be Happy." SUCH a cool drill/musical moment.
  • Everyone needs to give it up for this color guard soloist who absolutely crushes their performance during the ballad. They're absolutely unreal!
  • This trombone duet is SO good and how it's weaved all throughout this last movement of the show is really cool. Great job, folks!

10:14pm ET / 9:14pm CT - Blue Stars

Show title: Of War and Peace

  • Throughout their show, I really enjoy how the Blue Stars use their props to create ever-changing "scenes" on the field. That mixed with their all-unique corps and guard uniforms really adds to the depth of an experience they create.
  • This opening visual moment where the hornline creates an arc around the guard and then seamlessly integrates themselves into the drill is a really cool visual moment. 
  • This high-brass feature with the ridiculously fast trumpet and mellophone riffs is so. Dang. Good. Y'all sound great!
  • Yes, trumpet soloist!
  • This color gradient of the guard flags plus the musical moment makes such a big impact. This is such a good segment of the show.
  • The way the Blue Stars manage to spread the field so many times throughout this show and still play and spin in time is mind-blowing. Kudos to the marching members for really locking it in during every performance and knocking it out of the park.
  • The last 45 seconds of this show is killer. What a high-energy way to end the performance. Great job, y'all!

10:31pm ET / 9:31pm CT - Carolina Crown

Show title: Right Here, Right Now

  • Crown's show always brings a smile to my face - it's such a fun one to watch. I'm excited to see this show with the addition of the new fabric piece they teased on social media earlier this week.
  • When looking at this high-cam view, I never realized how intensely the guard is spinning right out of the gate. Get it, Crown Guard!
  • Okay, first goosebumps moment of the night: This opening impact is so dang good!
  • I put this in today's preview article, but WOW this section where the sections are just handing off this back-and-forth riff full of ridiculously fast runs is just mind-melting. And it was absolutely nails tonight.
  • The motif of different pieces of fabric that unites the members throughout the show is really lovely.
  • Hats off to this trumpet soloist. They have sounded amazing every time the show is performed. 
  • OH MAN, that big piece of fabric literally encompassing the brass players on side two - what a stunning visual moment! 
  • What a strong battery moment ahead of the "just own it" section of the show. Shoutout to our good friend Dan Schack who's on the percussion team at Crown for helping those folks sound as good as they do!
  • The last minute and a half of this show absolutely melts my brain every time I see it. W-O-W. Amazing job, folks!

10:48pm ET / 9:48pm CT - Boston Crusaders

Show title: Paradise Lost

  • This show starts off strong with an awesome battery feature right out of the gate leading into the first big impact of the show, and I really love it. I believe they changed the drill here since the last time I saw it, and I really enjoy that change! Not like my opinion matters at all, but you are reading this live blog, so maybe you do?
  • The white uniforms really show off how clean the hornline is executing this drill! You love to see it.
  • Alright, front ensemble! We haven't had too many shoutouts to the folks at the front of the field, but way to nail that transition into "Wonderful World." 
  • The color guard spinning around in those metal cones is such an eye-catching visual moment. The prop usage in this show is top-tier.
  • I, once again, put this in my preview article that was previously mentioned, but this "tango" section of the Boston show is so fun in so many ways. I could watch this segment on repeat and not get tired of it. The trombones sound so fantastic along with that trumpet soloist - well-deserved standing ovation from the crowd!
  • The rifle line is doing some bananas work over top of the brass playing these ridiculous double-tonguing sections and it gives me chills every time.
  • This. Company. Front. That's it. That's the tweet. 

11:05pm ET / 10:05pm CT - The Cavaliers

Show title: Signs of the Times

  • Welcome back to the field, Cavaliers! We missed you!
  • Oh man, that opening impact! It's so good to see/hear this show on the field again. 
  • The work that the color guard does is mind-boggling. Between the high tosses and the dance work that they do, I gotta give a shout-out to these folks.
  • The "speed ramp" segment of the show looks and sounds SO GOOD! 
  • Okay, I believe that drill for the transition from the first part into the ballad changed - I really like the circle motif that they're doing now - ties into their theme, too!
  • This "Fly Like An Eagle" section is such a fun part of the show. I bet it's an absolute blast to perform, too! 
  • The end of this show - wow, y'all sound fantastic! What a way to button everything up. Congrats, y'all!

11:22pm ET / 10:22pm CT - Santa Clara Vanguard

Show title: Finding Nirvana

  • This opening segment of the show and all the drill is so cool to see come together, all culminating in that mind-blowingly high-energy first impact is so good. Goosebumps again!
  • That opener drill was CLEAN, y'all. Great, job!
  • This second movement may be one of my favorites in all of DCI 2022. The live audio manipulation in the trumpet solo leading right into a jazzy, really fun music segment that pairs great drill, high-impact guard work, and awesome percussion moments? What more could you ask for? 
  • This moment where the guard gets to show off their skill at the front of the field while the hornline is backfield is such a lovely moment. It all leads to this stunning rendition of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" which is so unique and full of emotion. You love to see it. And can we talk about that release? Come on.
  • The rotating X that the battery and cymbal line do toward the end of the show is so iconic (and clean). Another one of those moments that you may miss if you're not paying close enough attention. 
  • What a strong end to the show. Congrats on a great run, SCV!

11:39pm ET / 10:39pm CT - Blue Devils

Show title: Tempus Blue

  • I haven't seen the Blue Devils perform in a hot minute, so I'm excited to see the show!
  • New jackets? Okay, let's go. 
  • Oh, just kidding, the jackets immediately came off. Way to keep me on my toes, BD. 
  • This drumset player! Shoutout to that person because they're absolutely crushing it.
  • That opening hit with the color guard all spinning in time? Chills, chills, chills. As always, the Devs sound fantastic. 
  • The piccolo trumpet soloist! I feel like they get better every show, which makes absolutely no sense considering how good they always sound!
  • I'm such a big fan of these stairs props. I really enjoy how they can elevate soloists while also coming together to build a cohesive shape or line. Big, big fan of when a prop is able to be used in a few different ways. 
  • Time for TANK! This section of BD's is definitely on the list of my favorite moments of DCI 2022. The music is ridiculously fun to listen to and the guar is absolutely spinning/dancing their faces off. The overall impact is magnificent. 
  • Congrats on a great run, BD!

11:56pm ET / 10:56pm CT - Bluecoats

Show title: Riffs and Revelations

  • I believe there have been some show changes since the last time I saw the Bluecoats perform, so I'm excited to see what those are!
  • This opening tuba/trombone feature sounds so good, and then it goes right into a fire percussion break? I really enjoy how this show starts. 
  • It may be a weird thing to say, but I love how the whole ensemble starts behind the backfield props and then they all come out at the same time a la their 2016 show. 
  • I know I've mentioned this arguably too many times in too many articles, but I absolutely adore this metal car prop moment. It may be one of the most innovative prop usages I've ever seen. The music during this part of the show is also such a vibe.
  • Okay, battery! Y'all sound GOOD in that feature.
  • Keytar solo, as always, sounds immaculate. I still can't get over the fact that we've got a keytar solo in a drum corps show this season. And the crowd, based on their reaction, absolutely LOVES it.
  • The tenors having a feature while on top of that spinning wheel prop is a really fun moment. It's cool to have a more "gentle" percussion feature moment during a more soft moment of the show. 
  • Shoutout to the Bloo guard for locking into their unison flag moments! The effect was stunning!
  • I REALLY liked the closer changes that Bloo's got going on. Reintroducing the metal wheel props again was a nice touch. And WHAT in the heck was that rifle toss??? I didn't count it, but that had to at least be a 9, right? 
  • Dan Potter jumped the gun! We've got an add-on to the ending of the Bloo show! I'll have to try to catch it again at San Antonio so I can hear the entirety of the voice-over, but from what I caught, it seemed like a solid way to cap off the story!

That's it, folks! While we wait on scores, go ahead and cast your vote for FAN FAVORITE for the DCI Broken Arrow show here! Results will be published tomorrow morning.


World Class
1Blue Devils89.200
2Carolina Crown87.500
4Boston Crusaders86.800
5Santa Clara Vanguard85.750
6Blue Stars82.600
7The Cavaliers80.600
8Blue Knights77.750