2022 DCI Southwestern Championship presented by Fred J. Miller, Inc.

2022 DCI Southwestern Championship Recap

2022 DCI Southwestern Championship Recap

Follow along as Benji commentates on the 2022 DCI Southwestern Championship! Stream the show LIVE on FloMarching on July 23rd at 1:30pm CT

Jul 24, 2022
2022 DCI Southwestern Championship Recap

Follow along as Benji commentates on the DCI Southwestern Championship! Stream the show LIVE on FloMarching on July 23rd at 1:30pm CT

Everything You Need To Know About DCI 2022

2022 Streaming Schedule   |   DCI 2022 At A Glance   |   2022 Production Improvements

We're one day away from the DCI Southwestern Championship, so here's everything you need to know ahead of the start of the show (and the live blog experience): The show kicks off on July 23rd at 1:30pm CT, and you can stream it LIVE on FloMarching here. Be sure to refresh this page once every few minutes for up-to-the-moment updates from the field.

July 22 - 1PM PT 

Before we head into Saturday's BIG DAY, here's some information about the 2022 DCI season that you may want to know ahead of next week's busy schedule.

  • Rebroadcasts: EVERY show stream this season will have a rebroadcast with sound the following day! So whether you're watching in real-time or the day after, Flo's got you covered. Rebroadcasts will start at 12pm ET/11pm CT the day after the original stream day for all shows, aside from the San Antonio, Atlanta, Allentown, and World Championships streams which will begin at 10am ET/9am CT to accommodate the long list of participants. Check out the infographic below for all the relevant info about rebroadcasts for the season.
  • We're in the process of securing more music rights than ever, which means that our audience can look forward to more archives with sound than ever before!
  • You'll want to check out our streaming schedule here, so you know what's streaming throughout the season, and when you can tune in on FloMarching.
  • Peruse our production improvements for the season here, and get excited for overall higher quality streams all season long.

That's all for now! Be sure to keep checking FloMarching for the most up-to-date news, photo galleries, and behind-the-scenes videos all leading up to the start of DCI Southwestern Championship! 

See you back here tomorrow! 

July 23 - 10:45AM PT 

Goooooooood morning drum corps fans! Today's THE BIG DAY and I do mean it's a BIG DAY! We have an exciting day ahead of us here on FloMarching.

Just A Look Ahead/Recap

The show kicks off at 1:30pm CT (that's 11:30AM for us in the Pacific Time Zone :) ) and I cannot wait to see what happens tonight. We start off with Guardians, Pacific Crest, a TON of more groups and finally end the night with Blue Devils at 8:33pm CT. 

Before the show starts, just a few small things we should definitely discuss before we head into performances today.

  • Blue Devils and Carolina Crown broke into the 90s club last night with their performances at DCI Houston
  • For the first time since 2004, the Boston Crusaders topped the Bluecoats at DCI Denton 
  • Colts are on the move! They're surging ahead in the scorings and I personally can't wait to see them on the field today
  • Pacific Crest jumped seven full points at their Texas debut in Canyon 
  • The Cadets passed the Blue Stars for the first time since July of 2019 
  • Mandarins and The Cavaliers are quite literally, neck-and-neck, with both groups keeping it close at DCI Houston. Mandarins have yet to outscore The Cavaliers, but that could all change today!

All right, all for now. Check those social media pages, get some breakfast, brunch or lunch and I'll see you back here in about thirty minutes! 

11:30AM PT - Spirit of San Antonio

  • It's always 72 degrees at the Alamodome! With several members in the Crossmen, Genesis, Carolina Crown, Mandarins and more, the Spirit of San Antonio welcomes us to the 2022 Southwestern Championship with their performance of The Star Spangled Banner. Great job y'all!

11:35AM PT - Guardians 

  • Dan Potter's back announcing tonight! Here come the Guardians! 
  • I absolutely love aesthetic field props that tie into the show super well - great job here by the design team, the props, along with the record + record scratches within the show flow so well together 
  • That ending was incredible, great performance and great show folks, congratulations and good luck on the rest of your season! 

11:55AM PT - Pacific Crest

  • PC's added some stuff to their show, it's pretty cool - watch this! 
  • Hearing the call outs of VK, Sky Ryders...this show is a shoutout to so many that have come and gone, and that goes for the props from the shows too
  • TiLT! 
  • The brass, oh my - wow the brass. WHAT A SHOW! Amazing job PC! 

12:15PM PT - Music City 

  • Haven't been able to watch Music City until now, and wow, what a powerhouse of high brass 
  • That clash chord is something else, really showcasing the change in the mood of the overall show - nicely done 
  • Oh wow that was nice, the contrast between how slow and low in tone the show became and then BOOM, trumpets explode in a bright sound feature - great run all of you! 

12:31PM PT - The Academy

  •  One of my all-time favorite shows this season, here comes The Academy
  • Trumpets are seriously screaming on this one - GREAT sound! 
  • The theme and music selections are great in this show, the subtle hints at 'Imagination' go super well when paired with the antagonist of Mr. Wonka - fantastic run folks!

12:50PM PT - Genesis

  • I love a good, yet mysterious start to a show. Not to mention the music choice here, very enjoyable 
  • Can I just say that any show with Trombone, better yet a Trombone feature, is amazing - a little biased because I used to be one :) well done fellas! ?
  • WOW what an ending! Brass really leaving it all on the field right there at the very end, great run everyone! 

1:00PM PT - Intermission

  • Grab those snacks - the corps are back in 30 minutes!

Before Madison gets underway, please visit our poll throughout the afternoon to vote for your fan favorite performance! 

1:33PM PT - Madison Scouts 

  • And we're back with the Madison Scouts! 
  • Those triplets in the music score are conquered so easily by the brass, nothing comes as a challenge for them - very well done y'all! 
  • The amount of coverage that's utilized for this show is insane ~ not to mention how well it works with the ending chords, it's a great setup 
  • WOAH, did you catch that? The drill that's essentially the performers "revolving" gave me Star vibes (if you know what I mean, Star 1991) VERY well done, great job Madison! 

1:50PM PT - Troopers

  • Here comes the TROOP! Their show is a hit this year, like every year - can't wait! 
  • DANG what a sound, kicking it off loud and proud
  • Xylo runs are something I think every fan looks forward to - huge shoutout to the front ensemble and guard for that series of complicated sets back to back ?
  • WOAH what an ending! 

2:08PM PT - Crossmen 

  • That horns up... suuuper clean! 
  • Growing up, we had a local high school band perform "Equus" at a festival...I'm in love with the arrangement of it here, and the Crossmen perform it beautifully  - thanks Eric Whitacre, for all that you have and continue to write for us musicians 
  • Somewhat of a THX inspired change here, goes great! 
  • This drill is absolutely insane, just to watch - great show Crossmen! 

2:23PM PT - Colts

  • The Colts have been absolutely crushing it this season, this performance is about to show why 
  • Another trombone feature? I'm all for this show - big kudos to the mellos for their accompaniment here  
  • GUARD! Tremendous job as usual - the amount of field coverage for them is pretty incredible if you keep your eye on them throughout the show 
  • Amazing. Such a great show, congrats on a great run Colts!

2:40PM PT - Blue Knights

  • It's time to vibe with BK :) ?
  • Oh yeah, we're definitely vibin' - featuring the entire ensemble on the side 1 front side line is incredible just to hear
  • Visually this show is amazing to see, especially with those dazzling uniforms throughout the ensemble
  • Just spotted a few friends of mine in there ~ just when you think the show comes to a close, it just gets better and better - all love BK, great run! (GO BONE SOLOS!) 

3:00PM PT - Phantom Regiment

  • IMPACT! How about that for an entrance?
  • I know I've talked about field coverage before, but did you see all that? Guard and brass...the ENTIRE field
  • Phantom... you never cease to amaze - FANTASTIC run! 

3:12PM PT - 1 Hour Intermission

  • That brings us to our one hour intermission! See you back in a bit! 

4:15PM PT -The Cavaliers 

  • Welcome back! Here come the Cavies! The Time is Now!
  • I'm glad to see the ensemble back up and running. The entire ensemble sound is definitely mind-blowing, I can only imagine how it sounds from the stands. 
  • Starts slow...slightly faster.... the build-up of this portion of the show is incredible, that's not easy folks! 
  • The resonance of that last chord is incredible - great run Cavies! 

4:35PM PT - Mandarins 

  • How about that brass? Insanely good. 
  • The fading in and out of the trumpet soloists right there just adds so much more to the show in terms of music and theming - and here come the vocals! Awesome. 
  • Can we just point out the vocalist here? I mean, absolutely stunning - congratulations folks! 

4:51PM PT - Blue Stars

  • Now here comes quite the show, Blue Stars are up!
  • ? That clash chord!! 
  • Now THAT's a forte chord - LOUDNESS reigns, great stuff, amazing performance y'all!

5:05PM PT - The Cadets 

  • The ability to go from a high forte (loud) and drop down suddenly, so quick, is just a feat on its own - shoutout to the trumpets on this one, great job fellas
  • Percussion really going after it today, super slick ?
  • I'm a diehard jazz musician....Cadets won me with Sing, Sing, Sing - GOOOO!
  • Just incredible, very well done Cadets! An all company front ending! 

5:24PM PT - Bluecoats

  • It's that time in the stream: "BLOOOOOO!!" 
  • I just realized those shades the drum major had on.... nice ?
  • This follow-the-leader sequence is amazing to see, the accuracy behind it...insane 
  • Keytars make any day better ~ excellent job Bloo! 

5:44PM PT - Santa Clara Vanguard 

  • Those first few impact chords are just the icing on the cake, NAILED it SCV ?
  • BRASS!!! 
  • Color guard and the moves - that's some tough drill, but they get the job done 
  • Oh my, where to start - such an incredible closer! Well done folks! 

6:00PM PT - Boston Crusaders

  • Here they are, here comes BOSTON! 
  • The percussionists and accordion on the front sideline are their stars in their own right, the focus is all on them for that part of the show and they're showing off their stuff, it's a masterpiece - That got the crowd riled up! As they say, "magnifique!" 
  • OMG - Front Ensemble going off, give me a quick second :) 
  • WHAT. A. SHOW. I'm speechless - absolutely incredible

6:20PM PT - Carolina Crown 

  • Crown! I absolutely love this intro - reminds me of a Disney attraction of sorts, go QR Codes! 
  • Deep in the Heart of Texas!! Love it ?
  • Oh yes! The TARP - I love the effect this creates, it's insane to see it on the field 
  • Totally rocking out at my desk right now - what a closer, go Crown! 

6:38PM PT - Blue Devils

  •  Here comes our last group of the 2022 Southwestern Championship - the Blue Devils! 
  • Thinks: "Do a flip!" - He did the flip - Let's go guard! I think only a handful of groups use rifles, so it's nice to see BD utilize them here 
  • That one chord on Moon River...just gets me, every time 
  • The ending, just absolutely carries out for miles it seems like, great job BD! 

Stay tuned, the scores announcement by Dan Potter will be coming up soon! 


1. Blue Devils - 92.175

2. Boston Crusaders - 90.70

3. Carolina Crown - 90.425

4. Bluecoats - 89.90

5. Santa Clara Vanguard - 88.75

6. The Cadets - 86.025

7. Blue Stars - 84.612

8. Mandarins - 83.813

9. The Cavaliers - 83.25

10. Phantom Regiment - 82.175

11. Blue Knights - 79.125

12. Colts - 78.60

13. Crossmen - 78.313

14. Troopers - 77.125

15. Madison Scouts - 75.10

16. The Academy - 73.10

17. Music City - 72.175

18. Pacific Crest - 70.95

19. Genesis - 69.25

Open Class

1. Guardians - 64.475