Apr 13, 2023
Apr 10, 2023
Apr 8, 2023
Troy Michigan, LSM winds, Trumpet Solo
Apr 7, 2023
Karlee Jones is a sophomore at Brandon Valley High School in Brandon, SD. She participates in marching band and is also a bass drummer in the Brandon Valley Indoor percussion ensemble - a Percussion Scholastic World class ensemble.
Westland, Michigan
Hello! My name is Heaven DePriest. I live in Spring Hill, TN and I’m currently a music major at MTSU. This piece is a vibe and marimba duo but I took on the challenge of turning it into a marimba solo. I hope you like it!
Representing Old Bridge Indoor Percussion
Windsor High School (Imperial, MO) is proud to present their 2023 Winds production, "Ghost Town." The show is modeled after campfire stories told about the abandoned frontier towns of the American West where hauntings and paranormal activity are ingrained as part of the mythology of the area. Musical selections for Windsor's show include Jason K. Nitsch's ethereal composition for wind ensemble, "Elegy for a Ghost Town," and The Rolling Stones' international hit, "Paint it, Black." Founded in October of 2018, Windsor High School Winds is entering its fourth season competing at WGI events and second on the Central States Performance Association (CSPA) circuit. Windsor High School Winds is an extracurricular musical ensemble currently servicing the 50 students participating in the program.
Jenks, OK - USA The Jenks Naval Academy established an elite school for its top percussionists. Its purpose was to teach the art of rhythmic combat and to ensure that the handful of men and women who graduated were the best percussion aviators in the area. They succeeded. Today, the academy calls it Percussive Tactics School. The flyers call it: TOP DRUM Jenks Indoor Percussion Ensemble is proud to present their 2023 production DANGER ZONE. Directors: Kenny Martin & Mark Stevenson Assistance by: Sam Silverman, Noah Smith & Foster Maddox
SpringHS - Monarch-Key
Temecula, California, United States. I wanted this solo to be like my 2022 WGI solo with a twist and a new 2023 production. Thus " Déjà Vu"
Hi I am Fikhar Tito Adhiyaksa, 17 years old, from Indonesia
Hi I am Farhan Wira Adhiyaksa of Indonesia.
Hi I am Farhan Wira Adhiyaksa, 12 years old of Indonesia
Apr 6, 2023
Apr 4, 2023